5 Reasons why your project DOESN’T need a Storyboard Artist!
1. You have an unlimited budget.
Your no-limit funding means that you don’t need to plan ahead or worry about running out of money during the shoot. You can afford to keep paying your entire crew for as long as you need to ‘get it just right’.
2. You have infinite time.
With no deadline in sight, you can spend days, weeks or even months on your shoot. You can explore every angle and shot that you need, without worrying about getting it all completed within a specific timeframe.
3. You don’t care about your team.
You’re more than happy to keep the talent and your entire crew waiting around while you experiment with various compositions and lighting options.
4. You love ambiguity and chaos.
Without storyboards to easily convey your ideas on set, everyone has a different idea of how each shot should look.
5. You have no plan.
You’re a total maverick and just making it up as you go along. Everyone else has to constantly pivot and adapt to your ideas, through an endless process of trial and error.
However, if that’s not the case… then maybe you DO need a storyboard artist for your project 😊
5 advantages of having a storyboard artist:
1. Storyboards save you money.
You can work out exactly what you need/don’t need to shoot so that you can budget accurately.
2. Storyboards save you time.
You can see how long each shot will take to ensure that you make your deadline.
3. Storyboards create clarity.
Everyone involved knows exactly what the final outcome should look like.
4. Storyboards create unity.
Everyone is visually aligned to achieve the exact same goal.
5. Storyboards complete your project.
You have a structured plan which can be implemented successfully by the entire creative team.
So if your project DOES need a Storyboard Artist, feel free to get in touch.
*images taken from various projects from the past few years